Monday, 10 January 2011

After looking at our video, we decided we used to many images of the lamp, and thought that our audience would become sick of it! So this is another one of our story boards presented like this as it would be unlikely to create so many hand drawings in time for the deadline aswell as making our other posts full of detail!
We have used images of a man and a womans feet heading towards and comming away from a bedroom, suggestive to sexual behaviour. We have also used a laptop screen with words written out on it matching visuals to lyrics. Lastly, we have lots of images of the red hand printed on paper placed around body parts and the bed when the song says 'pull the sheets' matching visuals to lyrics again, going along with Goodwins theory to be successful in our video creation.

After most of our music video being focused on a light lamp travelling around a house, we decided we needed to stick to Goodwins theory, as our title of the song is called 'red hands' suggestive to guilty hands, we decided to create images of a printed red hand placed infront and ontop of different people, suggesting cheating.

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