Wednesday 1 December 2010

still images/ story board

All images displayed like these are our story board. Because we are using hundreds of still photos, it would be unpractical for me to draw out every single photo.
As you can see we have a lamp seen in different camera angles, medium close-ups to long shots. This is so when seen as a video, it would give a jerky effect to go with the beat of our fast paced music. The images are of a lamp going around a house plugging itself into different plug sockets. This is a representation of cheating. Me and Alanah, seeing as our video is concept based, decieded to do something 'out of the box'. A lamp should only have one plug socket to gain energy from, so to represent cheating we have it stealing the energy source from other plugs, heading its way upto a bedroom.

From all our planning below, this is a big change, the idea cae out of nowhere. We thought that having lots of different lights would look odd when put all together, sort of like we just placed anything anywhere, and we werent sure how to make them not look random. So we came up with one main light source which was this lamp and the idea behind it so again... it wasnt random! We then thought if we had a main light source, we could use different ones now and again in our mucis video such as a candle or fairy lights and car lights of the motorway. I feel this idea was decided abit to late but i have confidence in me and my partner that we will finish it for the deadline!

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