Monday 27 September 2010

Our locations

Alanahs Bed room will be the best place to film our fairy lights shot, as it is big and open it's going to be easy to shoot and have us two in the room and the camera on the tripod. Here, also we will have no problems with lighting as we will be incontroll of how light and dim we have it.

-Alanahs living room

We want to use this location because it is quite a big open area with enough space to place our lights/lamps all around the room. Because her floor is wooden flooring, we can easily use a chair with wheels to create a smooth piece of film when capturing the lights, instead of carpet which would not work aswell.

With the white walls, this will make the audeiences eye focus onto the light turning on, and will be brighter when filming, so this aswell is another advantage.

Because we are in controll of the lighting, we will not have any issues of it being to dark or too bright.

-Digswell Woods
I know this woods really well, so i have lots of places we can go to film.
The main place will be the carpark. My car will be parked facing down the pathway at dusk.
We will have to film this at the right time, or it will be too dark disorting the image, or too light meaning to will not be able to create the siloutte.
The carpark is right behind this pathway, so when i park my car and put the full beams on, i can shine it down this pathway, to create the silloutte.

I like this because it has a big open space and we can use the benches to create different angles. I was thinking for this set to have sparklers being moves around in somebodys hands really fast to create a good effect of light.

- Motorway
This motorway is opposite the woods where we are also filming in, so this fits into our scedual, and because this location is in welwyn, it is quite far from where Alanah ( my partener) lives, so to film this all in one day will be a huge advantage.
We want this motorway bridge because

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